You know how to polka, but never tried it sober....
You know what “knee-high by the Fourth of July” means.
You know the difference between “Green” and “Red” farm machinery, and would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better!
You buy Christmas presents at Fleet Farm or Tractor Supply Co.
You hear someone use the word “oof-dah” or “Holy Buckets” and you don't break into uncontrollable laughter.
You or someone you know was a “Beef Queen” or “Dairy Princess” at the county fair.
You know that “combine” is a noun.
You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel post in the middle of winter, or peeing on a electric fence.
You know that “creek” rhymes with “pick”.
Football schedules, branding calves and weaning, hunting season and harvest are all taken into consideration before wedding dates are set.
If the sun is out, it's really windy, and you’re getting wet....better get on upside to moving livestock.
Saturday you go to your local bowling alley.
Cruising “Main” lasts for six blocks.
You have driven your car on the lake.
You can make sense of “upnort” and “batree”.
Every wedding dance you have ever been to has the hokey pokey and the chicken dance.
Your definition of a small town is one that only has one bar.
If a road you're driving on has more than three curves to a are nearing or in the Sand Hills.
Your vocabulary still includes, “Yes, Ma’am” and “No, Sir”
You actually understand these jokes and will forward them to all your Nebraska friends!