Saturday, February 02, 2008

Okay Students, Let's REVIEW

I posted a review of all my book reviews on Seekerville today if you want to go check. No, not the many, many book reviews I've written over the years. These are reviews for Petticoat Ranch. And they aren't all sweetness and light.
But the poor few who lurk in the sourness and dark aren't going to get me down. Well, not for long, and I have a nice comfy nest under my computer desk so I can stay under there and suck my thumb for a long, long time with no real discomfort.
Come and fine out that, while we try to get published, we grow a rhino hide to protect us against the many criticisms we receive as we are rejected over and over and over. Then, once we DO get published...well, we're glad for the hide because we still need it.


Jessica Dotta said...

What's the link for seekerville?

Mary Connealy said...