I had a booksigning Saturday in Tekamah

This is my table. Notice Gingham Mountain!!! I just got a copy of the ARC in the mail the day before the signing, so this is the first public viewing.
I had several requests to buy it, but no way! It's not finished enough and besides it's MINE ALL MINE!!!
I signed books at a store that was having it's grand opening.
Master's Hand Candles.

Very classy sign out front.
I took some pictures of the candles and,
the building has stalls in it,
with area artists and craftsmen, selling their wares.
I saw this sign and it drew me in because the lady who runs
sells them in the grocery store of my hometown and I've been buying them for years.

They must have had a hundred different scents
and they're really top quality candles.

I could have taken a hundred pictures but this is the idea.

She, Susie, had pretty touches all over like this Christmas mailbox by her tart burners and the mini-melt wax chips.

Click on this to make it bigger. Very beautiful.

When I first got there all was quiet and the shelves were overflowing with candles.

Someone made words and letters with wood, very sharp and classy

Kristy's Kitchen had these gluten and wheat-free mixes,
and also other mixes that sounded delicious.

Someone was selling doll clothes

this is a booth run by my friend Debbie Sears. She is an artist and no matter what she does, from making cookies to sewing to painting her kitchen, it turns into art. She has a real gift.
She made aprons....

Frames and pretty woodworked trays, benches and a Time Out chair.

And she turned these gourds that she and her husband grew, into bird houses and vases. Look at the wooden trays under the gourds, she made those

They threw the doors open at 2 p.m. and the crowds started flooding in.