I made the newspaper. Thought you might get a kick out of this.

So my book is old school, though some small town newspapers still are run this way.
And who's name is mispronunced every bit as often as mine is.
If anyone knows what this is, I made Jennifer tell me, but I'll draw from
any correct answers posted in the comment section of this blog and send out one signed copy of:
Montana Rose
I'll give you all a few days to marshal your forces.
Like, you can call together your Lifelines. :)
That's the closest this is gonna get to Who Wants to be a Millionaire, trust me.
Which is nominated for a Christy Award.
I'm spending this whole week in fevered anticipation about the award, 'cuz I'm figuring to lose, so I might as well enjoy hoping, right? That's the same logic I used when I encouraged my children to whip themselves into a frenzy over Christmas presents. The truth is going to be grim, so just enjoy the anticipation.