Sunday, February 15, 2009

Baptism of the Calm

The Baptism of Elle Kathryn, now one month old, my pretty baby granddaughter was this Sunday. Here is Elle, sleeping through it.

Here's the mom and dad as the priest made the sign of the cross with oil on Elle's forehead.
Elle slept.
Here is the moment when the priest poured water on Elle's forehead, the family all gathered around. Elle reached her hand out. Stirred. . . . . .

. . . . but ultimately stayed asleep.

Then when it was over, our whole family gathered around. L - R Katy, Shelly, Aaron, Josie holding Elle (who is--you guessed it--asleep), Wendy, Matt, Me and Ivan.
Shelly and Aaron the attentive godparents.

Elle the inattentive baptismee (is that a word, because it oughta be), wearing her beautiful baptismal dress and hat,
and never once noticing what went on around her.


Audra Harders said...

She's absolutely beautiful, Mary. No wonder you're holding her all the time : ) God bless the whole family!

Ruth Logan Herne said...

God love us all, another wee Catholic lass in our midst! Holy Mother Mary, she's a fine addition to the fold, Ms. Connealy!

Praise be the saints and angels gatherin' about her, Mary, m'lass, and I'm raising a glass and wettin' her head in honor of this most holy and auspicious of occasions! Of course, the glass holds no'but apple cider, and not the hard stuff at that, but still it's a fine salute to the wee bairn.

May the road rise to meet her.
May the wind be always at her back.
May the rain fall soft upon her fields...(and those of her blessed grand-daddy)
And until we meet again, lass, may God hold her in the palm of his hand.

Bless you all!


Pam Hillman said...

So sweet and beautiful! Mary, did I see a button pop off your blouse or was that one of Ivan's?

Loved the pic of Elle stretching out her hand. Darling!

Myra Johnson said...

What a lovely family, what a precious little girl!!!!

And I just adore those sweet baptismal gowns. What a special tradition. (We Lutherans go in for that sort of thing too. After all, we're "Catholic-lite.")

Missy Tippens said...

Oh, how sweet!! What a beautiful day, Mary. Thanks for sharing.

Janell said...

That is just ADORABLE!!
Does Baptism count if you sleep through it?!